Friday, January 7, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

The snow fell all day yesterday in Pittsburgh. By the time Lucy and I left the store, the roads were a bit messy but passable. Of course, by late evening, everything was a big mess. Lucy kept going to the door and ringing the bell, but wouldn't go anywhere once she felt the cold blast of air.

Lucy was perfectly content to sit inside and watch the snowfall last evening. And when her Daddy arrived home and plugged in "Lucy's Heater", she became even more content to stay indoors and keep warm.

Lucy's well trained "hooman" decided that perhaps her little boxer just wasn't comfortable enough and decided to add a blanket to make Lucy just a little bit more comfortable!

I'm pretty sure that Lucy approved, because she didn't move for hours. She was perfectly content snoozing at her "hooman's" feet with the heater blowing right on her.


  1. I think all that snow is heading my way!!! Flurries started this morning here in upstate NY and we're supposed to get 6-9 inches!

  2. All she needs is some refreshments!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. My dogs don't like the cold either.

  4. Hi Lucy... Unlike you, I'm new at this Pet Blogger Hop thing. It's such a great way to discover new blogs and to learn about all the amazing animals out there.
