When Lucy and I got home last night, the box that I have been eagerly awaiting was in front of the garage. Of course, Lucy had no idea why her human was in such a big hurry to pull the car into the garage, park it and get to that box. But it didn't take her that long to figure out. I'm pretty sure she knew when I sat that box down on the kitchen floor and let her check it out that it was most certainly "Lucy's box!"

Once she was certain that the box belonged to her, she could barely contain her excitement. I didn't even have a chance to remove the toys from the plastic before my little boxer was ready to play with them all. You would have thought that my little pup hadn't had a new toy in months. (Which I can assure you, isn't the case!)
And of course, I was trying to document the whole thing on camera, which wasn't easy with a jumping, wiggling boxer who couldn't contain her excitement!

The $6.00 toy that made Lucy's day could have cost a hundred bucks and would have been totally worth it just for the look on her face when she was reunited with her very favorite stuffed gator. She didn't even seem to notice that it wasn't all covered in dirt, all that mattered was that it was her gator! (And I'm sure that not being covered in dirt isn't a situation that will last any amount of time!)
This is the toy that I have spent countless hours searching online and in stores to replace. The old one lasted a whopping six months and withstood all kinds of tugging, throwing and chewing. Any toy that can withstand my boxers affection for more than 2 weeks is an outstanding toy in my opinion!
I'm not sure which one of us was more pleased, me or the boxer?

I told Lucy's Daddy last night that the look on that little pups face when she was reunited with that toy was completely priceless (yet he still didn't understand exactly why his darling fiance bought up 6 of the beloved toy...)
Lucy and I spent about 15 minutes playing with the newly reunited friend, I tossed it, she ran after it, teased me with it a little bit, and then dropped it at my feet to be thrown and chased right back after it.
How awesome is this picture? I could try for a month to recapture Lucy with her ears flying and would probably be unsuccessful, but this picture is one I'll treasure forever... It's a keeper!
I am not the least bit surprised that when we woke up this morning that Lucy was snuggled up between her Dad & I, and the gator was right there in the mix.

One of our followers suggested that we try out a "Go Dog Baby Dragon Plush Dog Toy" and I can tell that this squeaky little toy that's easy for Lucy to drag around is gonna be a keeper.
When I was trying to leave the house this morning, Lucy was in the living room retrieving her little dragon... She's probably all curled up with her new little friend as I sit here blogging! (Thanks for the suggestion...) I don't know what it is, but toys that are lime green seem to be very popular with my little boxer.