Monday, August 30, 2010
The Happy Dogs Bedtime Prayer
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Lucy's Take...My Hoomans Have Left Me!
Anyway, here's my situation for next 7 days...
Aunt Kim is heres and she and I are going to haves a blast together. I sposin we'll go on some walks, catch some z's, play some fetch, watch some tv, and maybes we'll take a couple of rides. Maybe she'll evens teach me some tricks. I guess we'll have to see! She says I's is gonna meet her dogs, dat sounds like fun!
Da fridge is stocked with ton of yams, mashed taters, chicken, turkey and grounds beef, so I's guessin I'll be eatin good. And I noticed my ma's bought lots of treats for me!
I'll bes missin ya all!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Off To Aruba...

And of course, I'll be missing my little Lucy Lou!
We'll be back on the 4th of September! Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I Rescued A Human Today
This article was shared with me several months ago, and it's something that I've read and thought of often. It's so true that our animals sometimes rescue us, and the more and more I talk with other dog owners who are deeply involved with their pets, the more I hear about how their animals rescued them! Everytime I read it, I get tears in my eyes thinking about all of the animals that need humans to rescue!
Author: Janine Allen CPDT
I Rescued A Human Today
Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her. I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid.
As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.
As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life. She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her.
Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.
Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes. I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.
I rescued a human today.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Duck, Duck, ...Boxer!
I am also in the very, very early stages of possibly getting a new vehicle. (One that might be a little more pup friendly than my existing sedan!) In the last couple of days, I have managed to list my existing vehicle on Craigslist, Auto Trader and Ebay Motors (all without a mouse)! I am hoping that someone comes along quickly and snatches it up, but we shall see. I've never had much luck selling cars outright.
He's relatively quiet, never bothers anyone and doesn't even so much as "quack" as my little boxer walks by him 100 times a day. But, this morning, something went amiss, although I don't know what it was.
This morning, right before leaving for work, I was in the kitchen throwing things into my handbag (a.k.a. "the suitcase") when I heard Lucy making very odd noises at the bottom of the stairs. She wasn't barking. Not quite growling. It was more like a grumbling kind of noise. When I went to investigate, I noticed that it was the duck that was causing Lucy so much distress.
No amount of talking to Lucy changed the situation- she was very disinterested in getting any closer to the duck until I picked the duck up and put it in my purse. By the time we got settled into the car and went about 3 miles down the road, Lucy was lunging for my purse and duck. When we got to work, I removed the duck from my purse and sat it on my desk. She watched with great interest. Finally I decided to lift the duck and move a little closer to her- no response. Not even a grumble! And when I put the duck on the pillow with Lucy, she didn't even budge.
I will never know what caused the bizarre reaction to the duck at the house this morning, but it sure was funny!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Things I Love Thursday & A Blog Hop
There's nothing more amazing, and you can bet the Lucy and I enjoyed as much as we could of our wonderful weather both this morning before coming to work and last night when we got home! I was actually out there last night even after it got dark, although I had to grab one of my "Boxer Mom" sweatshirts, the night air was just a bit on the chilly side!
I can remember being a little girl and going out to the cornstalks and asking my Dad over and over again, are they ready yet? And then when they were, I couldn't wait to get the husks off to smell that sweet corn smell. If you've never smelled it before, you're missing out!
Job knows what's going on when I ring that doorbell, and Lucy's buddy was as happy to see me as Lucy was to see him when we walked through the door. The wiggle butts went crazy! Those two kids played for 2 hours last night, and at the end, neither was ready to be separated!
What was most amazing to me was that as heated as things got, nothing got out of control and there wasn't so much as a bark or a growl from the little fawn or the little brindle boxer. Lucy even shared her big green spider with Job! My little girl didn't even flinch when her buddy picked up one of her favorite toys and dragged it around the house! "Good Lucy!"
Lucy and Job are amazing together, and I only hope that when we find a "brudder" for Lucy, that we make as good of a match as Job & Lucy are! I can't wait to have two boxers running through the house and yard together all the time.
My little boxer slept very soundly last night, and I had nothing but pure bliss watching these two absolutely beautiful boxers romp for 2 hours. I really don't miss cable at all!
Lucy's Daddy is back in Houston again, so Lucy feels it's her responsability to keep Daddy's spot in the bed warm! She even slept part of the night with her head on her pillow, and when he called last night to say good night, Lucy's head perked right up at the sound of Daddy's voice on the phone!
Things I Love Thursday Blog Hop
Wanna play? Here’s how:
•Put up a Things I Love Thursday post at your blog. Let your readers know about something/anything you love.
•Please use the button you see above when you are doing your post.
•Try and pick an actual “thing” that you love. Keep helpful tips and things along those lines in the “Works For Me Wednesday” category. We don’t need to reinvent the VERY SUCCESSFUL wheel.
•Feel free to do a product review, but make sure to let your readers know that you have been supplied with the product to review so we are keepin’ it honest.
•Also, link back to The Diaper Diaries. You can link to the blog in general or the Things I Love Thursday post itself.
•Sign up on Mr. Linky. Please link to your ACTUAL POST and not just your blog so people can find it easier. Also if you would put in parentheses what your post is about, that is always helpful to other readers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
On This Day A Year Ago... We're Engaged!!
Rob & I started dating in September of 2005, combined households and dogs in June of 2006, and started working together in January of 2007. I have known since the first time that he told me he loved me in October of 2005 that I wanted to marry him, but was convinced, despite several conversations about getting engaged, that he would probably remain a bachelor forever!
Then one night in June of 2009, he came home and told me that he didn't want to wait anymore, he wanted to get engaged. My heart started beating wildly and I was so excited for days that it was all I could think about. Several weeks later when he told me to start shopping for the ring I wanted, I knew he was serious! I had no idea at that point that he was going to send me out searching for my dream ring, but that's exactly what happened.
I spent the next month and a half educating myself about diamonds, and visiting local jewelers attempting to find my dream setting. I knew that I wanted a princess cut center stone, I knew that I wanted the setting to have an antique look to it and I knew that it had to be in white gold or platinum. Everytime a jeweler placed a sparking loose princess cut diamond in my hand, my little heart flutters came back as I thought about finally getting engaged to my prince charming.
After a month and a half, I had narrowed my selection down to 3 local jewelers and 3 somewhat similiar settings. I had a favorite, but wanted Rob to have some say in the process. The plan was to spend the day of my 35th birthday visiting each of the 3 jewelers and selecting a diamond from the chosen jeweler. Can you think of a better 35th birthday present than picking out the diamond of your choice, I couldn't!
Ironically, the setting that I thought to be my favorite had been picked out of a catalog, so the first time I saw it was at the jeweler that day with Rob at my side. It took my breath away, and I knew it was the one that I wanted, but we still visited each of the 3 jewelers, and Rob still made me think on it for a couple of days. I was so excited, it was hard to wait, but I know he didn't want me to make a decision that I was going to regret knowing that I would wear the ring for the rest of my days.
2 days after our shopping spree, Rob asked me if I had made up my mind. I told him that I had, and he told me to call the jeweler back and have it set. My hands shook as I made the call, I was thrilled and I couldn't wait to see the finished ring. At this point, we had seen loose diamonds, and the setting, but nothing all put together. The jeweler told me that he would have it ready for us in a couple of hours and that he would deliver it to me... You can imagine what that wait was like...
And finally... around 2:00 that afternoon our jeweler placed a little black box in my hand! And I cried, called Rob on the phone and told him that I couldn't wait for him to put it on my finger that it was the most beautiful and most special thing that anyone had ever given to me. And I still feel the exact same way one year later!
Every 'big' and meaningful conversation that Rob and I have ever had has taken place on our kitchen floor. So, that night when he got home, I handed him the little black box, and we sat down together on the kitchen floor and he 'officially' asked me to be his wife... And you better believe it when I say, that ring has hardly left my finger in the last year. I can't wait to graduate from 'fiance' to 'wife'!
It took about 6 months for the shock and excitement of having a sparking diamond on my finger to ease. I spent a lot of time in the sunlight making it dance...and I admit, I still do it, just not as often!

2 Boxers, 1 Fenced Yard, Tons of Fun!
And so there you have it. The best way to tire out two young boxers, and have an entertaining evening for the humans is to let them loose together in a fenced in yard and let them play to their hearts content. I'm so happy that my Lucy has such a great friend, and I have a feeling that we'll be seeing lots of Job from this point on!

Tuesday Tag-Along Blog Hop
Here's how it works:
Create a new Tuesday Tag-Along blog post. Include the Tuesday Tag-Along button by copying and pasting the code above. (You are also welcome to copy and paste these instructions in their entirety, or any portion of this Tuesday Tag-Along blog post!)
Add your blog name and the URL of your TTA post to the MckLinky below.
Follow Twee Poppets, the hostess blog listed in the first slot. Twee Poppets will follow you back! (Note: If you want Twee Poppets to follow you back, you MUST leave her a comment saying that you are a new follower and leave a link to your blog!)
Follow the Blog Hopper of the Week, listed in the second slot. To learn how to be chosen as the Blog Hopper of the Week, read the red text below.
If you can, please follow the blogs in the three slots before you (e.g., if you're number 20, follow numbers 19, 18, and 17). This is not mandatory, but it will help ensure that everyone who signs up gets a few new followers!
Follow as many other blogs as you want. The more you follow, the more that will follow you back! Be sure to tell them that you're following from Tuesday Tag-Along! You may also want to leave a link to your blog so they can return your follow more easily.
When you get a new follower through Tuesday Tag-Along, be sure to follow them back! It's just common courtesy. :)
The weekly Tuesday Tag-Along MckLinky opens every Monday night at 8:59pm Pacific Standard Time (that's 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time), and the TTA blog post will be posted well in advance of that time. The MckLinky will be open to add your blog until 11:59pm Tuesday night. You then have all week long to visit blogs and return follows!
There is a new list every week. The link you enter one week will not carry over to the next week's MckLinky. Please link up again each week to join in the fun!
Monday, August 16, 2010
miscellany monday

This is gonna be fun! But bear with me, because my brain seems to have taken a complete and total leave of absense, and it left no forwarding address or other method of contact. It just left.

As proof of this, yesterday morning, I had two phone conversations, one with my Mom and one with Rob. I finally hung up with Rob in order to get ready for work. I went upstairs, showered, put my hair in a towel and threw on my bathrobe. I ran downstairs to check on Lucy, saw that she was happily playing in the yard, and ran back upstairs. What I did next is the proof that I'm obviously exhausted, and that my brain has left me. I turned on the shower, unwrapped the towel from my hair, took off my robe and hopped back in the shower. All I have to say is that I was very, very clean and somewhat late by the time I left the house!

And it would seem that everyday, Rob will say to me "The next time you're in Wal-Mart make sure you pick up some -------". Does he really think I remember all of these things? This from the man who cut the grass the other night and parked the tractor in the middle of the yard with the lights still on? Why were the lights on anyway? He cut the grass in broad daylight- I don't think that running lights are a necessity in the yard. There just isn't that much tractor traffic!

I really need to look into that matter...I'm pretty sure I wrote it on one of my lists... Now where is it?

What I think I need is an alarm clock that wakes me up by telling me several times what day of the week it is. That would solve the problem. Or maybe somehow, I could train my smart little boxer to bring me a specific ball, labeled with the day of the week on that day... I'm reaching here, hugh?

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Our New Look!

Well, it's finally done, and Lucy and I couldn't be more excited- 'Lucy's Human' has a brand new look! Chelsey @ The Paper Mama just emailed me our finished header, and I put it all together! Thanks, Chelsey! You did a great job, in a very short amount of time, and Lucy & I couldn't be more pleased!
If you're looking for a button or a header- Chelsey is your girl!

Lucy's Take... Joyful Sunday & A Sunday Blog Hop

Mommy's lettin me make a joyful list today! Isn't dat great?
Don't tells my hooman dat I tolds you dis, but da last time she's went to da grocery store, she bought some sweet potatoes, and I'm nots sure why, but she put dem in da freezer. I don't tink she meant to do dat, but sometimes, I tink my hooman is pretty tired and her brain don't works da way it's sposed to! They still tasted pretty good, so I guess it turned outs all right!