Last Monday on our way to work at the store, Duke and I stopped off at a locally owned pet store right around the corner from our store. (I had a huge list of things that we needed to find, including new collars for both kids!)
Being the good big brother that Duke is, after he picked out an enormous bone for himself (and sniffed just about everything else in the store before shaking paws with the two guys working there), he picked out a toy for his little sister... And boy, did he do a great job!
Have you ever seen a cRinkKit? Well, it's most certainly a "hot" item in our home right now.
Both Lucy and Duke love plastic water bottles which make mama extremely nervous, and we all know that the stuffed sleeves that you can buy at Petco or Petsmart wouldn't last a day in our house, so I was thrilled when I found this rubber sleeve that goes around a plastic water bottle! Lucy was also thrilled!

Both dogs waited very impatiently at my feet as I struggled (while muttering some pretty harsh words) to stuff a water bottle into the sleeve. It wasn't easy! (And the two whining boxers at my feet weren't making it any easier!) I was disappointed that I didn't accomplish this task without smushing the water bottle to pieces, but even smushed, it still had the desired crinkling effect that seems to attract the boxers to the water bottles! Frankly, I was just relieved to have gotten it in there, and that I was able to get Lucy and Duke off my back!
Lucy seemed to forget that her big brother had been gracious enough to pick out and bring her back a toy, and as soon as I dropped that thing on the floor, she was off and running with it. She had no intention of sharing it, or even letting Duke get anywhere near it, which I'm pretty sure broke his big heart! Every time he got within a foot of her, she growled and snarled at him!

With a little help from his mama, whose heart was breaking because Lucy wasn't sharing, Duke finally managed to get his mouth around the toy, and he ran like the wind and wouldn't let Lucy anywhere near him and Crinket once he had it in his possession!
We've got to give this toy 5 stars! They have been beating the you-know-what out of it for the last week, and it still looks brand new! I'm thinking it might take them a very long time to destroy this toy, and when they do, I'll be right back at that pet store replacing it!!