I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I've blogged regularly! I guess I know now for sure one of the things that I am missing! In my defense, the past 2 months have held lots of changes for our household... A move to Orlando, a wedding for Lucy & Duke's Humans, and a new job for Mama! Lucy and Duke are holding up fantastically... it would seem that the adjustments are harder for their humans!

Lucy was a big help- or should I say, she was a great supervisor. She made sure that her mama packed up each and every one of her toys. Not that she helped by putting them all in one place or anything of that nature- she just made sure that they all made it into the box marked "LUCY & DUKE"!

My friend, Karen accompanied Lucy, Duke and I on the 2 day drive to Orlando. The boxers held up well- and were very understanding of their new surroundings- especially when I tossed out their favorite toy- The Babble Ball!

It's rather surprising that Lucy is the only pup that has decided the big white chair in our living room is the best place to hang out. As a matter of fact, every time Lucy hops up there and makes herself comfortable- Duke looks at her like she's not supposed to be up there!

Even though our lives have changed in many ways, I can still count on Lucy and Duke to be themselves! They are just as snuggly and funny as they ever were...
And since I'm sure that you all caught that there was a wedding... Here are a few pictures from our wonderful day! It couldn't have been more perfect and we had a fabulous day!